Dorianne St Fleur

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Career Girl Spotlight: Christine!

This week's career spotlight is on Christine Michel Carter! She's a global Marketing Strategist balancing her demanding work with being a mom. Check out Christine's story here - hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

1. In 140 characters or less, tell us what you do?

Marketing strategist | @Forbes @HuffPost @goodHealth contributor | Profiled in @WomensHealthMag @Ebony | On the inside: I’m tired as a mother.

2. What 3 words would you use to describe your career?

Relevant. Interwoven. Powerful.

3. Did you always know this is what you’d be doing?

I did not always think I would be a global marketing strategist by any means, but at four years old my teachers and parents encouraged me to write and share it with the public (not the class, actual audiences). Still, I never thought I’d be contributing to so many publications at 31 years old. I knew I always wanted to contribute professionally as a strategist, and thought entrepreneurship was the only way to do that. Boy was I wrong!

4. What’s your big “why?" Why do you do what you do?

I’m motivated by millennial moms because I’m passionate about seeing us represented in a positive light. I’m no different than all the other mothers in the world. Millennials demand their world highlight them, reflect them and look like them in all facets for less superficial reasons. As mothers, we’re dealing with challenges other generations never had to face. And from a corporate and commerce perspective, we’ve been misrepresented for so long, it’s important to us now to get the story right. Success to me is telling our story: our hopes, fears, challenges, everyday struggles and wins… and having someone listen to the story and make a positive impact as a result of it. This applies to my writing and the perspectives I provide in my professional career. As long as I’m building or improving upon the narrative, I’ve gotten it right.

5. Tell us a little bit about your career journey?

I’ve been working (illegally) since I was 12 years old, so let’s start with what’s most relevant to where I am now! At 21 years old I became the marketing director for a regional jewelry store, then branched out on my own and ran a retail marketing firm which supported mom and pop retailers. I started a business at the beginning of a recession, which was a challenge I didn’t anticipate. After a number of years being my own boss, I went back to the corporate world launching car sharing in Baltimore and supporting additional market launches. After this role I formally moved into corporate strategy and development for a large CPG company as a global marketing strategist.

6. What’s a typical day like for you?

No two days are the same, as people in business development roles can attest to. My projects unite many different departments in the organization, so I could be working on something finance related one day and something legal the next. Also with my writing I’m inspired by the news and the lives of other mothers, and since our children are unpredictable I never know what to expect!

7. What advice would you give to women who have not yet found their “purpose” or are unsure what they want to do in their career?

Reflect on your personal passions in life and find a way to make a career out of them. There’s always a way to profit from your purpose. Plus, you’ll never sit in a cubicle asking yourself “Why the hell am I here?”

Thanks so much for sharing your career story with us, Christine! Your advice to find a way to profit from your purpose is SPOT on!

See this gallery in the original post