Career Girl Spotlight: Christel!

This interview with recruiter extraordinaire, Christel was definitely a fun one! You can tell how passionate she is about her job and how much pride she takes in what she does. Check out this week's career spotlight to find out why she loves her job!

1. In 140 characters or less, tell us what you do?

I connect organizations with the best available talent in NYC. I’m like a matchmaker for employees and employers. I change lives; I am a recruiter.

2. What 3 words would you use to describe your career?

Matchmaker, career-consultant, opportunity

3. Did you always know this is what you’d be doing?

No, I actually did not know what I wanted to do at all! In college, I took several business courses to figure out my career path after graduation. It wasn’t until my senior year where I developed a strong interest in Human Resources, but more specifically Talent Acquisition; the thought of being able to help someone land their “dream job” really made me excited.

4. What’s your big “why”? Why do you do what you do?

I truly believe that the work I do as a recruiter has a significant impact in people's lives. To me, it's more than just making money and having a stable job, it's knowing that the work I do can change someone’s life.

I know that the long hours and effort I dedicate day in and day out will help a mother feed her kids, a student build their resume, a company meet deadlines, so on and so forth.

To me it's about the people and how I am able to help them.

5. Tell us a little bit about your career journey?

After graduation it was very hard for me to find a job. NYC is one of the most competitive job markets in the US. I had zero success with my job search for three months so I started looking into temporary employment – in my mind, this was a great way to earn money until my dream job came along, and it definitely was!

I connected with multiple staffing agencies and did countless short-term assignments that helped build my skills and my resume. I started a position with an insurance company that was supposed to be for a couple of months, but kept getting extended. This wasn’t what I wanted to do with my career, the money was great, but I was miserable every-single-day. Because I hated my job I continued to search and apply for jobs (while still working) I had several interviews with no success. One day I received a call from another company and I was super excited because the company seemed to have everything I wanted; I went through a very, very extensive interview process and ended-up not getting the job. I took this as a sign that I should probably stay where I was and so I did. I stayed there for an additional three months (at this point I was there for a total of one year) and noticed that it really was not the place for me.

One day I decided I could no longer continue working there so I sent a handwritten thank you note to those that interviewed me at the other company. After they received the thank you note they called me with an offer! I was so excited and accepted the job on the spot. Fast-forward three years later and I still think is one of the best decisions I made.  

6. What’s a typical day like for you?

My day starts at 7:15am and usually ends at 6:30/7pm. I have a set schedule on a daily basis which I try to follow as much as possible so that I can maximize my time. Throughout the day I recruit candidates, speak to clients, train new hires, hold meetings, client visits or lunches, many phone calls and emails, conduct interviews, check references and so much more.

7. What advice would you give to women who have not yet found their “purpose” or are unsure what they want to do in their career?

Keep going, don’t give up and definitely do not settle for a job that you are not passionate about. You will spend most of your lifetime at work, make it worth it. Just like dating, youwill know when you find the ONE.

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Christel! Truly inspirational!