Dorianne St Fleur

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Episode 29: 3 Salary Mindset Mistakes that Cost this Woman $1.5 Million...and How YOU can Avoid Them

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Hey Career Girl Nation! 

This episode is a little different from other episodes, but I just had to dive into the controversy surrounding the new movie, All the Money in the World as it relates to the gender wage gap.

If you're unaware, right on the heels of the controversy with actor Kevin Spacey being accused of sexual misconduct against several men, the producers decided to re-shoot the movie so they could essentially remove Kevin from all scenes.

When asked to re-shoot the movie, Mark Wahlberg (man) said yes, as long as he was paid $1,500,000 to do so and Michelle Williams (woman) said yes, and that she'd even be willing to donate her salary to make it happen!

As you might expect, once news of the pay discrepancy went public, some people were calling for Marky Mark's head on a platter and demanding he do something to right this wrong (he's since donated all the money he made from the re-shoot to the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund in Michelle Williams' name).

Listen in to episode 29 as I break down my thoughts on what happened and the three mindset shifts you need to make in order to make sure something like this doesn't happen to you.

P.S. If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on iTunes.

Episode Gems You Don't Want to Miss:

Links mentioned in this episode:

  • Video Clip from Good Morning America that breaks down what happened

  • Cinema Blend article that talks through both Michelle Williams' and Mark Wahlberg's response

  • Stats on gender differences in pay negotiation here and here

  • Career Success Circle

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